Team Fortress 2: The Vagineer

I am a hardcore gamer, I was the only one that other gamers looked up to. But as I played Team Fortress 2 on my laptop, someone said that there was an urban legend around Team Fortress 2, a much scarier legend than Painis Cupcake. There was a mod that can turn on you; becoming unstoppable. The character is called, "Vagineer", an Engineer character with an elongated mouth and a grappling hook-like arm. You basically can't kill the Vagineer, he will regenerate and deflect bullets or blows. It's like Superman, only with a giant vagina for a mouth. The Vagineer's quotes are resembled with the original Engineer's quotes, only in reverse so you can't understand what he is saying.
I listened to this and thought that it couldn't be possible, so I went out to investigate; playing as the RED Scout. I spawned in the Sawmill level and typed in "SPAWN:Vagineer". I shouldn't have done that...
I went inside the mill and saw him... a BLU Vagineer... standing there in the middle of the room; looking directly at me. I slowly made myself around him when he ran towards me! I ran from him and tried firing my shotgun at him, but he was too fast for me! He grabbed me with his grappling hook-like arm and pulled me towards him! And my RED Scout was no more...
As I now played as a RED Spy, I saw my RED Scout just like the Vagineer. I couldn't take the mod anymore, I went to shut it off, but I saw something that caught my eyes. A comment in the comment section of the game.
A sentence that was in reverse.
I shut it off anyway. I now believe in the legend of the Vagineer. But something about that comment had me lured in... but I couldn't tell what... I had my online friend, who can read things backwards, look up the comment, and the results made me uneasy.
"Your about to have a real bad day, Steve..."
{{video|How Engineer became Vagineer}}